Documenting and narrating performance is a workshop created for the nomadic performance art platform IMPORT/EXPORT. The workshop offers to the participants the opportunity to reflect and deepen a conversation on the relationships and documentation mechanisms inherent to Performance Art. What does it mean to document a performance and how to do it in conversation with those who create it, the performers? Focusing on the stories that emerge and develop through the performative act, the workshop’s aim is to approach and deepen the relationship between Performance Art and documentation. Documenting and Narrating Performance was developed around the principle of using documentation as a practice of Care, where documenting means taking care of something/someone, in this case the performance and its nature, through a work in dialogue between those who perform and those who document.

Performance credits 
/ images 1-5 Dreams about dying_funeralia by Marta Capaccioli and Lucrezia Palandri
/ image 6 Una Fantasmagoria by Maria Larocca
/ image 9 In the name of the mother and the daughter by Ivana Ranisavljević

Link to the workshop